608 Regional Workshop EME Bahawalpur Jobs


Latest Jobs in 608 Regional Workshop EME Bahawalpur Pak Army 2021

608 Regional Workshop EME Bahawalpur Gantt. is inviting applications from Pakistani Citizens from all over Pakistan for the posts mentioned below. The application should reach 608 Regional Workshop EME before 04 Jan 2021. Every application should cover full name. Cell no and complete address of applicant.

Name of Position Criteria / Required Qualification and Experience 
Highly Skilled Mistry a. Minimum education must be Intermediate.
b. Must have sufficient practical experience 01 the bade.
Highly Skilled-I a. Minimum education must be F.Sc
b. Must be proficient In his trade work
Skilled a. Minimum education must be Middle
b. Must be proficient in his trade work
c. Applicant must be domicile holder of District Bahawalpur
Semi Highly Skilled-II a. Minimum education must be Primary
b. Must be Proficient in his trade work
c. Applicant must be domicile holder of District Bahawalpur
Sanitary Worker a. Minimum education must be Primary
b. Applicant must be domicile holder of District Bahawalpur


  1. Application along with attested academic locus, Domicile certificate. 2 x photo copies of CNIC & 2 x passport size fresh photographs should be forwarded on postal address mentioned below.
  2. Government employees should apply along with NOC from the concerned department.
  3. Applications received after due date will not be considered.
  4. Designation and serial number should be clearly mentioned on envelope and application.
  5. Every application must carry a postal order of Rs 100/- (non-refundable) in favor of Commandant 608 Regional Workshop EME Bahawalpur.
  6. Post of BPS 1 – 5 is reserved for the domicile holder of District Bahawalpur only.
  7. Short listed candidate swill only be called for test / interview
  8. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates called for test/interview
  9. Age limit 18 to 30 Years
  10. Retired military persons eligible for applying the posts upto maximum age 45 years as on 04 Jan 2021.

Commandant 608 Regional Workshop Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Yazman Road Near 12 BC More Bahawalpur (Phone Number. 062-2501731)


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